
Club Update

Just checking in with you and hoping you are all well and coping with the way we have to live at the moment. I must say my garden is looking particularly good- but some days there is a bit of a hole – definitely missing bowls and the club.

The Victorian Government has recently announced the Business Support Fund that small businesses can access if they have been subject to closure or are highly impacted by Victoria’s shutdown restrictions. Caroline has been working on this and we send a big thankyou to her for her efforts- Caroline is not being paid at the moment so her work is in a voluntary capacity- we can’t thank her enough for her continued dedication.

The club also wrote to BV CEO regarding the proposed 1.5% increase in this years affiliation fees. We expressed our concerns and objections to this increase considering not only the impact on COVID-19 but also the bushfires before. We pointed out that the first income the club is likely to see will be through membership fees and that an increase in BV affiliation fees would be a further burden on our already diminished financial resources. Our letter and concerns will be tabled at the next BV Board meeting scheduled at the end of April.

I have following documents from BV that you maybe interested in- it provides information on the changes to regional boundaries.

No news on when we can return to bowls, but we will keep you updated.

Stay well and take care.


Lesley Duncan

Director of Administration