
Gophers In The Green?

Just noticed that this was sitting in the Draft tray – sorry I forgot to publish it. I still think it is worthy of publishing it! You would not believe that 4 weeks has passed since we did this – the Green has now been rolled and cut and almost fully covered.

Looks like Gophers in our Green? No, just getting ready for a laser level which is occurring on Monday 18 November. 

Thankyou to all the volunteers who turned up today to dump sand ready for top dressing. A great turnout for our working bee! 

We were meant to start at 10.00am but the enthusiastic workers were waiting with barrows and shovels at 9.00am. The job was done and dusted by 10.00am so we decided to enjoy a sausage sizzle, liquid refreshments and fellowship.

If you missed today’s working bee the next outside working bee will be to prepare and install new seating between the 2 front Greens. The date etc will be advised in due course.